Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Innovate. Differentiate. Profit.

Tech-savvy, fickle consumers and a volatile economy threaten precious margins every day. Being innovative and creating the most differentiated consumer experience wins new and repeat purchases.

Deliver a more alluring consumer experience, drive value chain innovation, and generate profitable growth with innovative technology and retail best practices.

The team at Retail and Supply Chain (RSC) Advocates bring the latest in retail technologies and operational excellence to your business.

We offer:

· Retail consultancy

End to end professional services and support

Customer Experience programs

Business Intelligence solutions

Multi-channel\ online solutions

Loyalty and CRM systems

In store video and TV

Community TV solutions

POS systems

Printers, scanners & utilities

CCTV, security systems

Integration services

Traditional, in store, cloud or web based POS

Head office, regional or in store retail solutions

Self service kiosks

Mobile payment solutions

Social Media integration

Shelf talkers

IT services and support

Hardware and Software independence

and much more...

So if you’re interested in:

Improving your margins

Improving your revenues

Reducing your costs

Upgrading your technology

Improving your customer’s retail experience;

then the team, @RSC would love to hear from you,

so please call or email Peter & the RSC team today for a free consultation

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