Wednesday, April 8, 2009

10 Best Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Blogs by Danny Sullivan

Widely considered a leading "search engine guru," Danny Sullivan has been helping webmasters, marketers and everyday web users understand how search engines work for over a decade. He's editor in chief of Search Engine Land, maintains a personal blog called Daggle, and can be found microblogging on Twitter @dannysullivan.

Below in alphabetical order are his picks for the best blogs that cover mostly SEO (getting unpaid traffic from search engines) along with a few that focus on paid search (getting traffic by paying for it). For more SEO blogs he suggests the Search Engine Land Blogroll which has over 100 blogs categorized.

Bg Theory, LLC : Long time paid search marketer Brad Geddes provides plenty of tactical looks and advice about Google AdWords and PPC in general.

Google Blogscoped : Though not really an SEO blog and more about Google in general, Google Blogoscoped often spots important changes to how Google is displaying results, new tests and so on. Google Operating System is similar in nature (

Google Webmaster Central Blog : Official advice, tips and news directly from the people at Google who build tools to support site owners looking to increase their traffic. Microsoft offers a similar must read blog, Live Search Webmaster Center Blog (, as does Yahoo with its Yahoo Search Blog (

Matt Cutts : Google search spam fighting czar Matt Cutts is a must-read for keeping up with the internal thinkings of Google about what’s acceptable – and unacceptable – SEO.

Nine By Blue : Former Google Webmaster Central founder Vanessa Fox provides fantastic advice about technical issues related to SEO as well looking at search analytics.
SEO Book : Aaron Wall does an amazing job of capturing key points and observations on both tactics an issues in short posts.

SEO Moz : The site is kept freshly updated with lots of interesting articles on SEO tactics, as well as thought-provoking “issues” looks.

Search Engine Journal : A hallmark here are regular “top lists” that I often find useful – top SEO add-ons for Firefox, top Google AdWords reports and so on.

Search Engine Land : Yes, the blog that I oversee. But I’m one of over 50 writers there, so it’s not just me. I’m both an editor and a reader! And it really is a key stop for anyone who wants to keep up with search marketing news on a daily basis.

Search Engine Roundtable : No time to read through the several search forums out there to know what’s breaking from the trenches? Search Engine Roundtable does it for you, pulling out the signal from the noise.

Traffick : Led by another long time paid search marketer, Andrew Goodman, Traffick provides both advice and keen insight into paid search, industry and conversion issues.

1 comment:

  1. Provided such a nice blogs about search engine optimization.Thanks a lot.
